Last Update: 29 January 2023



Backing player transfers and purchasing agent fee rights entails risk of partial or complete loss of value of the invested amount. No guarantee whatsoever is given of any potential player transfer initiative and regarging the outcome of the purchase of agent fee rights.


These terms of use (»Terms« or »Terms of Service«) cover products and Services (“Services”) however accessed and/or used by the user (“You”), (“Your”), (“User”), which are operated by or otherwise made available by Mover Limited (Mover d.o.o., Slovenia, EU; Tax nr. 74725734 SI) or its affiliates (“Mover” or “We”, “Us” or “Our”) through the web site www.moversports.com and/or any sub-website and/or associated domains (and/or subdomains) of www.moversports.com (the “Site”, the »Platform«) owned by Mover.


  • Agent fee – a total fee paid by Mover to the Users who back the Initiative that results in a Transfer.

  • Backer – a financial supporter of the Initiative.

  • Backing – the act of financially supporting the Initiative and acquiring Rights.

  • Club – a football club (an organization of football players, managers, owners, or members associated with a particular football team) that participates in the Platform.

  • Contract – an agreement between the Club and the Player which defines the parameters concerning the Player's employment.

  • Contracting period – a period of time in which the Backers hold Rights, starting with the moment of reaching the Threshold and ending 2 years after that (unless otherwise stated in the Initiative).

  • Initiative – a call for support (through Backing) of a potential Transfer of a specific Player to a specific Club made through the Platform; an Initiative has a single goal of reaching a Threshold which is considered as a sufficient support to the idea of a Transfer so that Mover can send a Scouting report to the club's Scout and propose the Club to sign a Player).

  • Offering period – a set period of time in which the Initiative is active, usually beginning with the first Backing of the Initiative and lasting for 1 month or until the Threshold is reached (if not determined differently).

  • Partner – any third-party entity or individual with whom Mover has a partnership agreement regulating its relationship and which is onboarded onto the Platform.

  • Platform – the website https://www.moversports.com (and it's sub-websites, domains and sub-domains) together with it's tools, overlaying network of participants (Clubs, Players, Users, Mover), and arrangements between them.

  • Player – a football player that participates in the Platform.

  • Proposal – a call to the Club to Sign a Player (by Mover and the Backers of a successful Initiative).

  • Right – an entitlement to receive a Share of the Agent fee (money) in case of Signing a contract between the particular Player and the particular Club that are subjects to the Initiative.

  • Scout – a Club representative that evaluates the talent of Players with a view to signing them on a professional contract for their employers.

  • Scouting report – the collection of information (text, photos, videos) about the Player presented on the Platform intended to present a Player to the Users and to the Club.

  • Services – a set of actions and performances enabled for Users to participate in Transfers, including Backing of Initiatives and acquiring Rights to an Agent fee on the Mover Platform.

  • Share – a part of an Agent fee; as total Agent fee is divided into shares.

  • Signing – the act of entering into a formal and legally binding agreement (contract) between a Club and a Player; a final goal of any Mover Initiative.

  • Slot – a single part that together with other parts consistutes the Threshold; each Slot is a carrier of a Right to it's owner (User once he/she Backs).

  • Threshold – a total target amount for Backing that must be reached in order for Mover to send the Scouting report and propose the Player to the Club.

  • Transfer – when a particular (1) player moves to a particular (1) club as a result of signing a contract; the definition of a Transfer implies that the club and the player were previously not in a contract and is only applicable when a player changes a club (as oppose to player signing/prolonging the contract with the same club he/she already has had an employment with).

  • User – any person (natural or juridical), who uses or intends to use the Services on the Platform; might also be called »online agent«, »home agent«, »online scout« etc. on the Site.


Before accessing or using any of the Services, all users must agree with these Terms. The Terms are available on the Site at all times. If You are unwilling to be bound by these Terms, do not use our Services and immediately navigate away from the Site.


Before making a transaction, these Terms must be specifically confirmed by ticking the box with a statement of confirmation and a link to these Terms (»I Agree«). This is to ensure You fully understand Our Services and that You are aware of not only the potential rewards but also of the connected risks.


By using Our services, You represent and warrant that (i) as an individual, You are eighteen (18) years old or older if the legal age to form a binding contract differs under applicable laws; (ii) as an individual, You have full legal capacity and sufficient authorizations to enter into these Terms; (iii) You have not been previously suspended or removed from using Mover Services; (iv) Your use of Mover Services will not violate any and all laws and regulations applicable to You, including but not limited to regulations on anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, and counter-terrorist financing and (v) does not reside in any blocked jurisdiction as may be amended by Us from time to time.


Your use of Our Services will be deemed Your agreement to provide required personal information for identity verification. Such information could be used to verify Users’ identity, identify traces of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other financial crimes through the Platform, or for other lawful purposes stated by Mover. We will collect, use and share such information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

In addition to providing such information, You agree to allow us to keep a record of that information during the period of 10 years after the day of Your backing, in compliance with global industry standards on data storage. You also authorize Us to conduct necessary investigations directly or through a third party to verify Your identity or protect You and/or Us from financial crimes, such as fraud. The information We require to verify Your identity may include, but is not limited to, Your name, email address, contact information, phone number, government-issued ID, date of birth, proof of address and other information. When providing the required information, You confirm it is true and accurate.

You must ensure that the information is true, complete, and timely updated when changed. If there are any grounds for believing that any of the information You provided is incorrect, false, outdated or incomplete, Mover reserves the right to send You a notice to demand correction, directly delete the relevant information, and, as the case may be, terminate all or part of the services and/or agreements we provide for you. If We are unable to reach You with the contact information You provided, You shall be fully liable for any loss or expense caused to Yourself or Mover during Your use of our services. You hereby acknowledge and agree that You have the obligation to update all the information if there is any change.

By using Our services, You hereby authorise Mover to conduct investigations that Mover considers necessary, either directly or through a third party, to verify Your identity or protect You, other users and/or Mover from fraud or other financial crimes, and to take necessary actions based on the results of such investigations. You also acknowledge and agree that Your personal information may be disclosed to credit bureaus and agencies for fraud prevention or financial crime prevention, which may respond to Our investigations in full.


These Terms of Sale (“Terms of Sale”) are an integral part of the Mover Terms of Use. These Terms of Sale shall govern any use of Services and Your Backing of any Initiative on the Platform.

By clicking on the “I Agree” button presented with these Terms, You agree to be bound by these Terms and Terms of Sale. Capitalized terms used without definition in these Terms of Sale have the same definitions set forth in the Terms.


The Rights are not intended to constitute securities of any form, units in a business trust, units in a collective investment scheme or any other form of regulated investment or investment product in any jurisdiction. The document and these Terms of sale do not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and are not intended to constitute an offer of securities of any form, units in a business trust, units in a collective investment scheme or any other form of regulated investment or investment product, or a solicitation for any form of regulated investment or investment product in any such jurisdiction. Please note that You are not eligible and You are not to Back or in any way participate in an Initiative if You are a prohibited participant. If You are in any doubt as to the action You should take, You should consult Your legal, financial, tax or other professional advisor(s). By agreeing to these Terms of sale, You acknowledge that Mover is not responsible for the aforementioned risks, and You voluntarily assume and accept such risks in deciding to Back the Initiatives. These Terms of sale apply in addition to Mover's Terms of Use. If You are unwilling to be bound by these Terms of sale, do not use our Services, do not Back Initiatives and immediately navigate away from the Site.


You may use Our Services (e.g. access the Platform, Back the Initiatives and purchase the Rights to potential Agent fee shares) for Your personal, non-commercial use. Unless provided otherwise hereinafter (see 4.7.), Backing of Initiatives and all the purchases on the Platform are non-refundable events.

As set forth below, all the Rights and other content is provided “as is,” without any warranty. You agree that all sales by Us to You of Rights to Agent fee shares and other goods are final and that We will not permit exchanges or refunds once the transaction has been made. Generally, We have the right to offer, modify, eliminate, and/or terminate Initiatives, including but not limited to the Rights, the Slots, the Threshold, the Offering period, the content, and/or the Services, or any portion thereof, at any time, without notice or liability to You.

We reserve the right to host Our Services e.g. Backing and offerings of Rights on other platforms (e.g. Club websites) as We may determine at Our sole discretion, including but not limited to www.moversports.com. We reserve the right to issue additional terms and conditions applicable to specific Initiatives as may be decided by Us at our sole discretion which shall be communicated to Users in advance using appropriate communication channels as We may deem appropriate.


The Initiative is a call for a Transfer of a particular Player to a particular Club. As a User of the Mover Platform, You can Back the Initiative and purchase Rights of a potential Transfer. The Initiative is considered as successful once the funding Threshold is reached. Reaching the funding goal means there is a sufficient support to the idea of a Transfer among the Users, so that Mover can send a Scouting report to the club's Scout. At that moment, the Initiative is turned into a Proposal to the Club.


You can explore the Site to discover and evaluate different profiles of Players and Clubs. As participants in a global football transfer market, any of those Players and Clubs could potentially Sign a contract.

We are working hard to provide You with honest, relevant and complete information so that You get an insight into Clubs' and Players' interests and expectations that could affect their choices regarding their future transfer activity. Despite Our efforts, some information provided on the Site might not be correct, complete or accurate. We highly recommend that You also use other channels and different sources to supplement, interpret and evaluate the information We provide on the Site so that You get the best possible knowledge and anticipation of the Clubs' and Players' future transfer activity.

It is up to You to decide whether the Player signing for the Club is something You would like to see and therefore support, or that chances of the Player signing for the Club are high enough that it is worth Your Backing. At all times, You must be aware of the risk of the Transfer You Backed will eventually not happen, resulting in Your loss of the invested amount. For this reason, We strongly advise You to take all the necessary steps to assess both the opportunity as well as the risk side of the Initiatives by Yourself.

As You visit Our Site, there is a chance for You to match the Player with a Club. When choosing the pair, the Site offers a chance to Back the potential Transfer. This process is started by clicking the button and entering a transaction process.

When in the Cart, You will find a clear statement of the Rights that you acquire by Backing an Initiative. A Cart summary might include one or more of the pairs (Player – Club) You have chosen to Back, the entitled Rights (e.g. 10 % of Agent fee), the quantity of Slots per each pair, and a total Backing amount. Backing amount is stated in Euros (EUR, €).

In the process of Checkout, You need to first fill the form (Full name, Email, Billing address) and then finish the transaction (Payment). We accept Credit card payments only (MasterCard, Visa).

Before making a transaction, these Terms must be specifically confirmed by ticking the box with a statement of confirmation and a link to these Terms (»I Agree«).

Upon finishing the Backing transaction, You automatically acquire the Rights to a Share of the Agent fee.

After each successful transaction, a confirmation email is sent to the provided Email address. If You do not see a confirmation email in Your inbox, please first check all the folders of Your email account. In case You did not receive a confirmation email, You should contact us immediately to resolve the matter.


Only Users who are at least eighteen (18) years old or are of legal age to form a binding contract and who satisfy the criteria described in these Terms of Use may Back the Initiatives.

If You want to use any of the Services, You will need an access to a computer, tablet, smart mobile phone or other digital device, and an internet connection.

You shall not Back the Initiatives if there are any applicable legal restrictions in Your country of residence or domicile. It is Your sole responsibility to ensure that Your Backing of the Initiative is not prohibited, restricted, curtailed, hindered, impaired or otherwise adversely affected in any way by any applicable law, regulation or rule in Your country of residence or domicile.


As part of its user verification procedures, Mover may require You to furnish additional documents and information (and which may include photographs and/or videos evidencing the existence of such documents and information) so as to prove Your identity, residency, status and/or eligibility to Back the Initiatives during an Offering period.

We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to reject Your intended Backing of Initiatives or cancel Your Backing, including withdrawal and cancellation of any purchased Rights if You are unable to furnish such documents or information to Our sole and absolute satisfaction. Only participants who have successfully satisfied the user verification procedures, to Our sole and absolute satisfaction, shall be eligible to Back the Initiatives, own the Rights, profit from Our Services or make general use of the Mover Platform and Services.


You have a chance to Back the Initiative during it's active time which is called an Offering period. This is generally a set period of time beginning with the moment of the first User Backing the Initiative and lasting either for the maximum of 1 full month (30 days) or until the Threshold is reached.


If for any reason in the time of the Offering period the Threshold is not reached, the Initiative is cancelled. In this case, all the invested funds are returned to Backers. The refund is made in 3 business days after the cancellation of the Initiative by transferring the funds to the Backers' accounts.


There is a target funding amount of each Initiative which is called a Threshold. The Threshold is being gradually funded as a consequence of Users' Backing of the Initiatives. At the time when the last available Slot is taken and all the underlying Rights are purchased, the Threshold is reached.

Reaching the Threshold automatically ends the Offering period and stops the Backing of the Initiativ as the Initiative is considered to be successful. Reaching the Threshold is a necessary condition for Mover to send out a Scouting report and propose a Player to the Club.


Slots are consistuent to the Threshold as they divide it into separate parts and carry Rights. The number of Slots may vary among the Initiatives. For example, an Initiative may have 1, 10, or 100 or even more Slots. This number means a maximum number of purchases which are available per Initiative (if each Backer purchases 1 Slot).

You will find each Slot having a value attached to it. The value of a single Slot is determined by the Rights it carries and by the timing of Your Backing of the Initiative. A Slot may carry anywhere between 0,01 % and 100 % of all the available Rights. A distribution of the Rights among the Slots might or might not be even. Some Initiatives will have the Rights evenly distributed among the Slots, while others will reward an early Backing by carrying more Rights than a late Backing (or vice versa; the effect of the timing of User's Backing).

The value of a Slot is also a minimum possible amount for You to Back the Initiative. You have a chance to acquire more than one Slot (subject of availability). We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to limit the number of Slots each User can purchase.

We set the Slots at the launch of the Initiative. We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to modify the Slots at any point before or during the Offering period. We also reserve the right to acquire Slots by Ourselves, which can result in lowering the number of available Slots. Should the modification of the Slots be done after any of the Slots had already been purchased, the modification will not in any way affect the Rights that have been previously acquired by Users.


Your Backing of the Initiative will acquire You a Right to receive a Share of the Agent fee arising from the Transfer. Rights are related to a single potential Transfer (a particular Player Signing for a particular Club).

You can acquire the Rights according to the Backing plan and distribution among the Slots and their availability. The minimum amount of the Rights You can acquire at a given moment is determined by the Slot that is next to be filled according to the distribution plan. The maximum amount of Rights that You can acquire is determined by their availability (through the available Slots) and possible quantity limitations. We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to limit the number of Slots each User can purchase.

Disclaimer: We consider the entitlements to Shares of potential Transfers as »rights« (Rights) as they are not certain to happen and will only turn to Shares in the case of Signing of a contract. In Our communication on the Site, in promotion materials and in the process of transaction, We might however use the term »share« instead of the term »right«. If We do this, We do it only for the reason of simplifying the communication and not with an intention to mislead any User. By agreeing to these Terms, You acknowledge this explanation and agree that We shall not be liable to any User for any consequences arising arising from this usage of terms.


You automatically acquire the Rights to a Share of the Agent fee when You Back the Initiative. If You only want to Back the Initiative and do not want to acquire the Share, it is possible by writing to Us (info@moversports.com) and We will arrange the situation according to Your desires.


The Contracting period is a time in which Your acquired Rights are active and carry a potential of turning into Shares. In general, the Contracting period is set to last for 2 years since the moment of reaching the Threshold. We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to set a different Contracting period, especially to prolong it, at any time.


In case the Player and the Club do not Sign a contract during the Contracting period, the Rights are cancelled and lost. This means that You will not longer be eligible to receive a Share of the Agent fee even if the Player and the Club sign a contract (after the Contracting period ends).

By accepting these Terms, You specifically agree that You fully understand there will be no return of the funds You invested when Backing the Initiative whatsoever if there is no Signing and the Transfer does not happen within the Contracting period. It is understandable to You that it is beyond Our power to enforce the Signing and that a risk of loosing the invested funds is completely understood and accepted by You.


In case the contract is signed between the Player and the Club at any time during the Contracting period, the acquired Rights automatically convert to Shares.


The act of Signing arises an obligation for Mover to pay an Agent fee to all the Share holders that Backed the Initiative. Agent fee is a total reward paid by Mover to the Backers of the Initiative. As an integral part of the Initiative and the offer, the Agent fee is set at the launch of each Initiative and is clearly stated on the Site and in the emails.

Generally, the Agent fee is set according to the agreement between Us and the Club, or between Us and the Player, or between Us and both the Player and the Club, or between Us and any third-party (Agents, … ) related to the potential Transfer. We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to set the Agent fee based on Our expectations of how high the Agent fee will reach during the process of negotiating between the parties. We also reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to increase the Agent fee during or after the Offering period, during or after the Contracting period, or after the Signing of the contract.

Shares of the Agent fee are parts of the total Agent fee that had been previously (during the process of Backing) divided into parts and dispersed among the Backers. Ownership of Shares is the basis for participating in and profiting from an Agent fee.


We will pay out the money based on the amount of Your Shares. For example, if the Agent fee amounts to €5.000, Your ownership of 10 % of the Shares means You are entitled to €500.

The money will be paid out by transacting the amount to the account provided when Backing the Initiative. We might pay out the money to Your other account if You provide Us with details during the User identification procedures (see 4.5.).

We will start the verification procedures immediately after Signing of the contract. The money will be paid out in 3 business days after the procedures are finished and Your identification is confirmed.


Besides potential financial rewards (Shares) We might offer You additional rewards for Backing. That includes other virtual assets like virtual merch, exclusive access to Players or Clubs, tickets to matches etc.


Mover may, at any time and in its sole discretion, refuse or interrupt any Backing request, impose limits on the amounts of Backing, on a daily or other periodic basis or otherwise, or impose any other conditions or restrictions upon Your participation on the Mover Platform or Your use of the Services, without prior notice.


By accepting these Terms, You represent and warrant to the Mover as follows; You acknowledge and agree that the Rights are not intended to constitute securities of any form, units in a business trust, units in a collective investment scheme or any other form of regulated investment in any jurisdiction; You acknowledge and agree that these Terms do not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities of any form; The provision of these Terms, any part thereof or any copy thereof, or acceptance of the same by You, is not prohibited or restricted by the applicable laws, regulations or rules in Your jurisdiction, and where any restrictions in relation to possession are applicable, You have observed and complied with all such restriction at Your own expense; You have read and understood all of these Terms including any annexes hereto; If You are a natural person, You are of sufficient age and capacity under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which You reside and the jurisdiction which You are a citizen to accept these Terms and perform all Your obligations hereunder; These Terms constitute legal, valid, and binding obligations on You, enforceable in accordance with its terms and neither the purchase of, nor receipt, nor holding or use of Rights and Shares is in breach or in contravention of any applicable law, regulation or rule in Your jurisdiction; You agree and acknowledge that none of the Partners and/or Indemnified Persons is liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on these Terms or any part thereof by You; All of the above representations and warranties are, and will continue to be true, complete, accurate and non-misleading from time of Your acceptance of these Terms notwithstanding the receipt by You of all of the Rights.


To the maximum extent permitted by all applicable laws, regulations, and rules and except as otherwise provided in these Terms, Mover hereby expressly disclaims its liability and shall in no case be liable to any person for; Any loss, hack or theft of Your data as a result of phishing, pharming, vishing, smishing or any other method; The funds used to Back the Initiatives being obtained through any acts in connection with money laundering, terrorism financing or any other acts in breach or contravention of any applicable law, regulation or rule; Rejection of Backings of Initiatives or termination of the Initiatives; Failure or delay in the transacting the money, and receipt by You, of any Shares and money for any reason beyond the Mover’s control or for any reason attributable, in whole or in part, to a third party; Failure, malfunction or breakdown of, or disruption to, the Mover Platform or any technology on which the Platform relies on due to occupancies of hacks, cyber-attacks, distributed denials of service, errors, vulnerabilities, defects, flaws in programming, or source code or otherwise. Regardless of when such failure, malfunction, breakdown or disruption occurs; Any prohibition, restriction or regulation by any government or regulatory authority in any jurisdiction of the operation, functionality, usage, acquiring and holding of Rights.


To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules: Mover and Indemnified Persons shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with Backing of Initiatives, use, receipt or holding of Rights and Shares by You; The aggregate liability of the Mover, in tort, contract or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the Backing of Initiatives, use, receipt or holding of Rights and Shares by You shall be limited to the amount of euros (€) transferred by You as Backing consideration for Your intended Backing of Initiatives, support to Transfers and acquiring of Rights; You hereby agree to waive all rights and assert any claims under the applicable laws, regulations and rules and You may make claims based only on these Terms; You shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Mover and/or Indemnified Persons harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, suits, actions, demands, proceedings, expenses, and/or liabilities (including but not limited to reasonable legal fees incurred and/or those necessary to successfully establish the right to indemnification) filed/incurred by You or any third party against Mover or the Indemnified Persons arising out of a breach of any warranty, representation, or obligation by You hereunder.


These Terms shall not entitle You to any intellectual property rights, including the rights in relation to the use, for any purpose, of any information, image, user interface, logos, trademarks, trade names, internet domain names or copyright in connection with Mover or the Partners.

There are no implied licenses under these Terms, and any rights not expressly granted to You hereunder are reserved by Mover.


These Terms contain the entire understanding between the Parties and supersede all prior terms and conditions, communications, understandings or arrangements (both oral and written) in relation to the use of the Mover Platform, use of the Services and Your Backing of Initiatives.

We may amend these Terms from time to time. If We make any amendments to these Terms We will inform You about such changes, for example by publishing a notice on the Mover Platform or sending an email notice together with the updated Terms on Our website and We will change the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Terms. To the extent permissible by law, any amended Terms shall become effective immediately upon the publication of such notice. It is Your responsibility to regularly check to read through such notices and updates.

If any clause is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable, then such clause shall be severable from these Terms without affecting the validity or enforceability of any remaining part of that clause or these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.


Unless excluded by any applicable law or explicitly stated in these Terms, there shall be no right of withdrawal in respect of any Backing or transactions in general by the User on the Mover Platform in respect of any of the Services made available by Us.


Our Site and Services may contain links to third party websites or resources. Mover provides these links only as a convenience and is not responsible for the content, products, or Services on or available from such third-party websites or resources, or links displayed on such websites. To the extent permitted under applicable law, You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from, Your use of any third-party websites or resources.

Mover is not responsible for the availability or quality of third-party Services. Such third party Services may affect Your ability to utilize Our Services and You hereby waive and release Mover and any other party involved in creating or delivering the Services from all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, losses, expenses or liability which may arise out of, result from, or relate in any way to such third party Services.

13 - TAXES

The Purchase Consideration that You transfer as payment for Your Backing of Initiatives and acquiring Rights shall be inclusive of any VAT, if applicable, depending on your country of residence. However, the Purchase Consideration shall be exclusive of any other taxes, except VAT, that may be applicable to your purchase of, receipt and holding of Tokens in any jurisdiction (“Payable Tax”).

It is Your responsibility to abide by local laws in relation to the legal usage of our Services in Your local jurisdiction as well as other laws and regulations applicable to You. You must also factor, to the extent of Your local laws all aspects of taxation, the withholding, collection, reporting and remittance to the appropriate tax authorities.

You acknowledge and declare that Your funds come from legitimate sources and do not originate from illegal activities; You agree that We will require You to provide or otherwise collect the necessary infrmation and materials as per relevant laws or government orders to verify the legality of the sources and use of Your funds.

Mover shall not be responsible for determining any Payable Tax and declaring, withholding, collecting, reporting, and remitting the correct amount of Payable Tax to the appropriate tax authorities.


These Terms shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of Slovenia.

We prefer to solve Your requests in direct contact with You and therefore do not participate in alternative consumer dispute resolution proceedings. If You would like to raise any complaint or dispute, We invite You to bring the matter to Our attention by contacting Us on the Contact Information email info@moversports.com.

A Party shall give prompt written notice of any dispute to the other Party (a “Dispute Notice”). Such Dispute Notice will include sufficient details of the dispute to enable the other Party to consider its position in relation to the dispute.

Each Party agrees to use its best endeavors to settle any dispute amicably between the Parties within a period of 30 days from the date of the Dispute Notice.


If any of these Terms is rendered void, illegal or unenforceable by any legislation to which it is subject, it shall be rendered void, illegal or unenforceable to that extent and no further and, for the avoidance of doubt, the rest of these Terms shall continue to be valid and in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated, and the Parties hereto shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to find and employ an alternative means to achieve the same or substantially the same result as that contemplated by such terms, provision, covenant or restriction. It is hereby stipulated and declared to be the intention of the Parties that they would have executed the remaining terms, provisions, covenants and restrictions without including any of such that may be hereafter declared invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable.

The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision.


We will not disclose Your Personal Data except as expressly permitted under these Terms and otherwise only with Your prior consent as stipulated in Our privacy policy. However, We may be required to disclose Your Personal Data and/or certain other information about You to the extent required by applicable law or by an order of a court or competent governmental or regulatory authority. By accepting these Terms, You expressly agree and consent to Your Personal Data being disclosed to third parties to any extent required for the purposes of compliance with applicable laws or regulations.

Any personal data or information which You provide to Us shall be processed strictly in accordance with Our privacy policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms.

You acknowledge, accept and understand that these Terms, insofar as they relate to the controlling and processing of your Personal Data are regulated by the any applicable Privacy Laws.


You can submit feedback, comments, and suggestions for improvements to the Services (“Feedback”) by reaching out to Us on the Site or through email.


If You have any questions about these Terms or the Services, please contact Customer Support on info@moversports.com.


You should carefully consider and evaluate each of the risk factors and all other information contained in the Terms before deciding to use Our Services and Back the Initiatives. To the best of the Mover’s knowledge and belief, all risk factors which are material to You in making an informed judgement to participate in the Initiatives and engage in the Player Transfers have been set out below.